
Heart 2 Heart

by Sonia27 on Aug 3, 2023

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Hi everyone my self is Sonia my community is basically for those who want to share something which they can't share with parents friends or with any relative ,we are here to listen you be free to talk to us about your emotions about how you feel and what you want to do who exactly you are and what you have in your mind , we are open to hear you from our heart and we also create special moments for those who want to do something special for their loved ones we create special moments for everyone who want to make some memorable moments with his or her special ones either friends family or love of your life you say and we create it ......

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Family Issues

My friend recently got married and only in 2 weeks she decided that her husband can't satisfy her and keep her happy. The thing is she got to know her Husband has a small penis which she didn't liked and is very angry about this. Now I'm thinking is it legally correct to file for divorce if you found that your husband has a small penis? @DrSapna

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answered 45 days ago

In most legal systems, the size of a person's genitalia, including their penis, is not grounds for divorce. Legal grounds for divorce typically include factors such as irreconcilable differences, infidelity, abuse, or abandonment, depending on the jurisdiction. Marriage is a complex and multifaceted relationship that involves various factors beyond physical attributes. While sexual compatibility is important in many marriages, it's just one aspect of a broader partnership built on love, respect, communication, and mutual support. If your friend is considering divorce solely because of her husband's penis size, it's important for her to consider the broader implications and consequences of her decision. She may benefit from seeking counseling or therapy to explore her feelings and concerns in a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

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New Mothersanswered 45 days ago

You need to consult a lawyer who knows about this.

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answered 41 days ago

This needs to be answered by a professional and a good one for this sake

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answered 36 days ago

I don't know about if it is legal or not, probably it wouldn't be legal as it is such a petty issue. But my question is that just because he has a small penis, will she end her marriage with him that too just after 2 weeks of getting married. Marriage is not a joke.

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yes need to be independent before going in for any relationship. Share your resume in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity.
Hello , Feeling bad could be natural as you have been with him since 2 years and there had been good memories also and sometimes we are so attached to the person that even knowing that this person is not right we go to them again and again .
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Hello , No its not , infact it is legal in so many countries including India under the act “ right to live “

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