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She Academy

by Parinita_Anand on Jun 20, 2023

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Welcome to She Academy, a community dedicated to everything GenZ!Our community is a gathering place for young minds, specifically Generation Z, who are passionate about different couses, finance literacy, and anything GenZ. Whether you're a college student or young profrssional, you'll find a supportive environment here!!

📈 Career

I want to start my own brand of handmade soaps but don’t have a clue where to start. I have the skill but my social media presence is quite less right now.

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Eating Disordersanswered 53 days ago

First of all you must become visible and prepare a business plan and do things accordingly

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Sometimes I love myself and then there are days where I hate myself for certain things. For example I am a very friendly person. However what I don't like is that I let people take advantage of me. How do I accept aspects of myself that I deeply dislike ?
Hello , We all are humans with flaws in us which we constantly try to improve. If it’s causing a lot of inner distress please seek support from psychologist 🌸
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Hello , If you truly want to achieve something don’t think about society norms and true ones will be with no matter what without thinking much if it’s deviant from societal norms . Be confident Be you 🌸
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Hello Yes it is completely possible to be you and still have that confidence. Embrace inner you gracefully without any fear , your confidence will answer it all . All the best 🌸
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الناس بتقولي ان شخص دبش جدا في اسلوبب وانا مبحسش بنفسي اعرف اضبط نفسي ازاي
اهلا بيكي لازم يكون عندك مهارات تواصل وعدم اندفاعيه في الرد حاولي تسمعي الأول قبل ماتردي وتشوفي الرد المناسب وتخلصي من اي أفكار سلبية تشوه نفسك . اشتغلي على نفسك صح وخلي عندك مرونة في التعامل مع الآخرين
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Hello, Sometimes we are stuck in the negative cycle where we just see the negatives but you could practice a technique where you can take a paper and try writing good qualities in you since childhood also if you helped someone or you know someone praised you in life , I want you to try recollecting all this . Later read what you wrote and now see still you dont have any positive and good qualities? We as humans are blend of both good and unhealthy qualities, none of us is perfect. We can work on ourselves to be better versions of ourselves.
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Saturday speaks : One thing you love about yourself?
My family❣️ & I really like my eye, my eye is a little big but I like it a lot.♥️🤗
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Mengapa kamu ingin menyendiri?
butuh istirahat dan recharge the social battery
karena capek ngobrol sama orang :)
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Apakah introvert itu pemalas?
Bukan dong. Meskipun cenderung lebih suka menghabiskan waktu sendiri atau dalam lingkungan yang tenang, mereka tetap dapat menjadi sangat produktif dan berdedikasi dalam kegiatan yang mereka minati atau anggap penting.

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I'm Bhavna from Mumbai, India, certified Personal Development Coach, graduated through an ICF accredited school of coach training. I'm often asked — What is Life Coaching? Life Coaching is an ongoing partnership between the client and the coach. It helps the client achieve fulfilling results both in their personal and professional lives. As a personal development coach, my objective is to help you get from where you are to where you want to be in life. And how do I do that? By helping you break the barriers you have imposed on yourself. I'm super grateful that I can share my learnings as a Life Coach to help you get to the heart of your needs and desires, while you identify and achieve your personal and professional goals with increased accountability, commitment and satisfaction. Looking forward to being your ally and building a life of POSSIBILITIES!!! +91more

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