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by Michelle Frank on Sep 15, 2022

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Your body is magic and it is so important to learn about it and know what it needs. Join WoderWomen to learn more about your body and the miracles that happen

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#WednesdayWellness Do you view your health routines as lifetime investments? What are the things you do for your health everyday?

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Eating Disordersanswered 45 days ago

Hi @docmfrank -Working out everyday or at least 6 times a week is what I dont miss out. - Also, my morning routine of having soaked nuts, and dates is something that I value a lot :)

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answered 45 days ago

Honestly this is a bad habit of mine that I don't look after my health.

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انا رفيعه جدا بس عندي كرش لما بقلل من الاكل عشان ينزل بخس جدا اعمل اي
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my weight loose plz solutio
Hi there, I hope you are well. If you are looking to lose weight, then, here are some tips that you can follow. 1) Include enough fibre in the diet. Fibre can help with weight loss and in keeping you full for a longer duration, hence, you are less likely to overeat. 2) Protein is necessary for muscle building and for burning calories. Beans, lentils, sprouts, nuts, seeds, lean meat, dairy products are good sources. 3) Add omega 3 fatty acids such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, walnuts, olive oil, to the diet to help with weight loss and satiety. 4) Consume enough fruits and vegetables in the diet. 5) Drink 8-10 glasses of water on a regular basis. 6) Workout for at least 4-5 times a week for 30-45mins for weight loss. You can even opt for a walk. 7) Sleep for 7-8hrs on a regular basis. 8) Avoid ultra-processed, packaged, refined foods in the diet. 9) Keep a tab on your salt, sugar, and oil intake. 10) Maintain portion control and practice moderation. I hope this helps :) Take care ✨
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Hi I want to lose my weight and please help me to motivate myself consistent. Guide me to lose weight bcoz am a mother of 14months old
Hi there, I hope you are well. - Motivation will usually last for a few days or weeks, however, discipline can last forever. - To lose weight, you will have to bring in discipline in your daily routine. - You need to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically. - Stay determined that you won't give up and start by making small changes in your routine. - Start by incorporating more fibre in the diet. Eat two servings of fruits, a bowl of salad for lunch as well as dinner daily. - Avoid packaged, ultra-processed and refined foods. - Eat in portions. - Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. - Add protein to each of your meals, even snacks. - Have mid-meals or healthy snacks. - Start your morning with handful nuts, or seeds. - Keep a tab on your salt, sugar, and oil intake. - Have home-made meals that are easier to digest. - Get at least 7-8hrs of sleep on a regular basis. - Go for a walk at least 4 times a week. - Manage stress levels my meditation and yoga. I hope this helps ✨
you u really want something then your inner self is enough to motivate you. And weight loss is a journey so don't be harsh yourself. follow diet and exercise it will helps you
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هي شراهه الاكل مرض نفسي ولا عضوي
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اهلاً بيكي يا جميله🌸 احيانا الشرهه في الأكل بيكون اضطراب في الأكل خصوصا لو معاه شعور بالذنب بعد الأكل الكتير وكمان لو في مشكله بتكون معاه في صوره الجسم .. احيانا تانيه بيكون علامه من علامات الاصابه بمرض السكري .. تقدري تتواصلي معايا من الساعه ٨ لغايت ١٢ مساءا من خلال اللايف علشان نتكلم واقدملك المساعده المناسبه ليكي

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