Çalışan Bi' Anne🤫

by toobe on Dec 1, 2023

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önceki iş yerimden beni işten çıkarıp kıdem ve tazminatımı vermelerini istedim. Onlar da haksız oldukları için verdiler tabi. Şimdi yeni iş görüşmelerine başladım ama bunu yeni işverene söylemeli miyim yoksa işe devam ediyormuş gibi mi davranmalıyım hiç bilemiyorum😬 ne yapacağımı şaşırdım, beni yönlendirebilir misiniz😞

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New Mothersanswered 22 days ago

neden söyleyeceksin ki? yeni iş yeni başlangıç değil mi😋

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New Mothersanswered 22 days ago

Doğru diyorsun ama ya sgk evraklarında görürlerse ve yanlış anlarlarsa🥹🥹

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I am having dinner with my friends, and one of them mentions they are studying for a law exam. They come across the word 'conjugal' in their textbook but are unsure of its meaning, and I also do not know the answer. So, what does 'conjugal' mean?
The word refer the relationship between couples specially the sexual relationship.
Hello , It means anything relating to married life , married couples life especially their sexual rights .
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دكتور انا شخصيتي ضعيفه جدا مبعرفش اتعامل نع الناس بحي ان الكل بيجي عليا لاني معاهم وخلاص اعمل اي
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اهلاً يا جميله🌸 في البدايه عايزه أقولك حاجه مهمه بلاش تفكري في نفسك بكلام سلبي لان دا بيخليكي تتعاملي بسلبيه وحاولي يكون حوليك أشخاص داعمين ليكي ويكونوا إيجابيين كمان محتاجه تتعلمي مهارات تنظيم المشاعر وتفسيرك للمواقف اللي بتتعرضي ليها تفهميها ونعمل خطط واستراتيجيات لتبديل الأفكار السلبية اللي بتجيلك وتسببلك مشاعر القلق أو التوتر ونعمل احلال لافكار ايجابيه بديله ابعدي عن التوقعات السلبية وفكري ان أي موقف ليه احتمالين واحد إيجابي وواحد سلبي ودايما فكري في الاحتمالات الايجابية واشغلي نفسك بحاجات تبسطك وتشتت تفكيرك عن السلبيات اشتغلي علي تنميتك مهاراتك واتكلمي معانا هنا في مساحتنا الامنه علي coto تقدري تتواصلي معايا خلال اللايف كل يوم من الساعه ٨ للساعه ١٢ هستنه تشاركيني كل افكارك علي mental health talk ودي مساحتنا الامنه اتمني ليكي يوم لطيف ☺️
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Just trying to clear things up! If you live with your partner, does that automatically mean you're considered married in the eyes of the law? Or is there a big difference between cohabitation and marriage? Is there anything legal we need to worry about if we move in together?
When you are live with your partner without getting married it's called cohabitation and it is legally accepted and protected by some laws.You can protect yourself by the help of those laws.
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عدي مشكله في اني مبعرفش اخد حقي دايما بسكت اعمل اي
كل مازادت ثقتنا بنقسنا كل ماكان سهل نحدد الموقف اللى يستاهل اخد فيه حقى أو اعديه. لازم تدركى ان الثقة بالنفس هى الداعم الاول وهاخد حقى من مين وهحط حدود ازاى.
اهلا بيكي الاول لازم تعرفي الاول يعني ايه اخد حقي من وجهة نظرك ؟!!لان كلمة اخد حقي تختلف من شخص للتاني فالادراك بتاع اخد حقي عندك شكله ايه...وزي ما بيقولوا اخد الحق حرفه وصنعه يمكن ما تعلمتيهاش وكمان مش كل المواقف ضروري فيها ناخد حقنا في وقتها وفي لحظتها ساعات الصمت في وقت الانفعال افضل عشان نسيب مساحة لعقلنا يشتغل ويفكر بحكمه وعقل وفي وقت تاني في مواقف ضروري فيها وضع حدود في نفس وقت الموقف فدايما محتاجه تراجعي ايه هي مهاراتك لوضع حدودك مع الآخرين... وهل انتي بتتصرفي بعقلانية ولا باندفاعيه
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I recently started a new job at a tech company. Despite being highly skilled and having a good resume, I often feel overwhelmed and anxious in the workplace. These feelings seem to be rooted in a traumatic experience from my previous job, where I was constantly belittled and unfairly criticized by my boss. The toxic environment led to severe stress, impacting my confidence and self-worth. Is it normal for my past trauma to still have such a strong hold on me, and how can I move past it to feel more confident and secure in my new role?
Hello , Dealing with past trauma is very important if you dont leave it untreated it can impact you mentally, i would suggest you to take therapy and see a psychologist. We have many psychologists on coto app . Try connecting with them , you can connect with me as well , i am a clinical psychologist.
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دكتور احساس اني مرهقه نفسيا بقالو كثير قوي مبقتش قادرة حتى اقوم اعمل اي
اهلاً بيكي ي جميله ..احساس الإرهاق دا شئ طبيعي خصوصا لو أنتي في حاجات شغلاكي و أهداف نفسك تحققيها …حاولي تحطي هدفك قدامك حتي لو تعلقيه علي ورقه علي الحيطه أو اعمليه منبه علي التلفون عشان تفتكري كل شويه هدفك الل أنتي محتاجه توصليلو ..ابدئي بالتدريج واختاري صحبه تحمسك …العقل بيميل للكسل ،والتغلب علي الاحاسيس السلبيه مهمه صعبه ..أنا عارفه ،بس النتيجه الل هتوصليلها في النهايه هتستحق انك تتغلبي علي اي عوائق عشانها …… برضو هستناكي في الlive الل بعملها كل يوم من ٨م ل١٢ص ماعدا الجمعه عشان نتكلم اكتر ونوصل لحلول ايجابيه مع بعض أو لو حابه تدخلي معايا جلسه one to one هكون مرحبه بيكي جدا …واتمنالك التوفيق ان شاءالله
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دكتور انا داخله على جواز قلقانه جدا من الموضوع ده وخايفه بجد لدرجه اني حاسه اني مش عايزه اكمل اعمل اي اسمع لنفسي وامشي ؟
اهلا بيكي 😊 الخوف طبيعي جدا جدا سواء خايفة من الجنس او من المسؤليه ١- متسمعيش للناس او خبرات سلبيه للي حواليكي والسوشيال ميديا ٢-اسالي نفسك دا الشخص الصح اللي عايزة اكمل معاه؟ لو الاجابه اه يبقي دا الخوف الطبيعي قبل الجواز تابعيني هتكلم كتير عن الموضوع دا ولو عندك اي سوال او تفاصيل اهلا بيكي🥰
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hey. I recently joined a new job and I've already got a situation to deal with. A male colleague keeps hitting on me, and wants to hangout during lunch, how do I avoid him??
Make it clear that you are not interested in a romantic or sexual relationship with your colleague. You can say something like, "I value our professional relationship and would like to keep it that way."
Politely decline his invitation by saying something like, "Thank you for the invitation, but I prefer to have lunch on my own today."
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I think my boss has a crush on me. He has become extremely sweet towards me, more than he is towards anybody else. But my colleagues told me the otherwise that he hates the way In work. Whom should I believe??
Maybe he just likes you because you are a good employee, not because he has a crush on you
You should not believe everything what others say. Go on your own instincts

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I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more

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Psychologist specializes in Mental Health Member of Union of Arab Psychotherapists •Bachelor of psychotherapy redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •Master degree of sexual abuse redirect from Denmark university accredited by IATA. •DBT- CBT- SE Specialist in : *Mental health issues *Anger issues *Stress Managements *Anxiety *Depression *Emotional Regulation *Trauma *Growth after trauma *Sexual Abuse *Addiction *Relationships مهما كنتي شايفة وحاسة الصعوبات اللي بتعدي فيها🫤 انضمي معانا ونمشي رحله الشفاء سوا 👭💪🏻more


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