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by Urvashi Dholakia on Nov 20, 2022

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Can u relate it with your friends group?

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answered 119 days ago

Yes I am😄

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answered 119 days ago

yes. I am

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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves. Appu upvotes 30 coto gain
Appu upvote 30 from postman should get coto gain
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So recently my boyfriend went somewhere far away for some work purposes. He felt so sad that he has to live without me for a month now. But I feel so guilty that I am actually relieved that he is going away for some time. I do feel guilty feeling this. Is it normal to feel like this? Of is something wrong?
Feelings can't be write or wrong .Try to understand what makes you feel like this.May be you put too much effort to carry the relationship and didn't get that support you needed.You can take a professional help to understand better about yourself.
Hi you need to introspect regarding your feelings may be there are some conflicts you need to solve.you can consult with an mental health professional for understanding.
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Why do I sometimes find myself hoping my partner won't succeed in comforting me about my insecurities, like when I don't get that promotion at work or when I feel self-conscious about my appearance?
Hi,Try to have that clarity how you want your partner make you feel comfortable.You can have a discussion with your partner regarding this issue to find the gap
Hello , Fostering open communication with partner can help you build that trust and understanding, reducing the need for self sabotage. Addressing these conflicting feelings can lead to greater emotional resilience and healthier relationships.
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Hi girls, for the past 4-5 months, I've noticed that I feel irritated when I'm with my partner. What if I discover that I'm actually happier when they're not around? Is that normal, or have I done something wrong?
Try to have a clear idea what exactly irritates you and what makes you happy.you can make a short list also.Feelings can't be write or wrong.I you want to work on your feelings in detail you can take professional help.
Hey! My name is Sampada and I am a psychotherapist and intimacy coach. I feel that in long term relationships, it’s normal to feel this way, especially when your partner is around all the time. How about you find time to take some space sometimes? You can always try to spend time in your company, do things you love and try to draw some boundaries with your partner. Let me know if you need more help, we can always connect to discuss this further!
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I have been living with my bf for 7 years now. we are not married. I am really confused as to what this is called. Are we even serious or is it just a time pass ?
How do you feel and your perspective about the relationship matters.Presently your relationship is called cohabitation.
Hello If you feel you have shared that commitment then its love , if you still are confused have an open conversation with your bf regarding this and how you have been feeling.
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I am in a cohabitation relationship, but I am also feeling scared about how my parents will react after knowing it. How accepted is cohabitation?
Hi, This is legally accepted in India.But there are some tabbo in our society.We have to face it positively.
Hello , When it comes to Indian society morals and ethics plays a big role in it , would suggest take your time and tell when time is correct.
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What is a live in girlfriend called ?
live in partner.
Hello , Cohabiting partner
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I have been with my bf in a live in since 2 years. so in the initial 6 months I couldn't adjust with him, however I thought that as it is a new phase or a stage in my life it will take him but eventually everything will be fine. But now it's been 2 years and I'm still unable to adjust with him. Also we have started having conflicts, misunderstandings a lot in recent times. How can I break up with my live-in boyfriend? Pls advice me.
It's very important to express your feelings to your partner otherwise misunderstanding can be increase.you can start the conversation by asking his point of view then gradually convey your message.
Hello , You can have an honest and a open conversation with him regarding how the relationship is not working for you .
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My friend told me yesterday that in her family from a long time only endogamy is allowed. No one does love marriage im their family but she has fallen in love with someone- Though my biggest question is,what is endogamy? She was telling me everything with so much sadness that i couldnt ask her what it is.
It is the custom of marrying within the community .
Hello Endogamy is marriage in same case or community
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Okay, so me and this guy have been living together for like, seven years now. We're not married or anything, but it's been a long time. Is there a word for what we are? Just like... roommates with benefits, but way more serious?
It's upto you.How you see your relationship and what name you want to give it.If you have a romantic relationship you can call live in partner.
Hello , Labels are just terms its at the end about how committed you’re to each other . Cohabiting partner is the term which could be used to define your situation😊

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