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Let's talk Mental health

by Mona Gujral on Sep 15, 2022

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The purpose of this community is to share, listen, learn and be supportive just like friends and family to share your personal experiences, coping strategies and exchange firsthand information.Please note.This is peer support group community. This is not therapy.This is not professionally facilitated community.

🧠 Mental Health
Stress Management

Getting depressed day by day... What to do???

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New Mothersanswered 95 days ago

Reach out, to relatives you are close to,to friends, to therapists anyone who you feel might be able to help you. Talk to them. Keep yourself busy, find a hobby, start reading or just anything that interests you.

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New Mothersanswered 94 days ago

Distracting yourself will give you temporary relief and the vire issue will remain and keep troubling you over and again Identify the real issue... what thoughts are making you feel sad and depressed? change this thought pattern. if something is bothering you Talk to someone you trust and can confide in , your sibling , friend, spouse ...

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answered 90 days ago

Change your daily routine, and write down what is your mind going on.

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answered 82 days ago

start with making your bed everyday and getting a little sunlight.. even if it is for 5 mins. stand in the Sun and have your morning coffee/tea whatever you prefer. If you are a reader grab a book and spend an hour with it.. if not just grab your shoes and go for running. or simply take a stroll on the streets. smile back at strangers. observe the little things. And if you can afford to go out on a trip with your dil se love karne wale people just go for a night out.. I was going through the same and I managed it through this all alone. no1 ever understood me. So Stand up gal... You got it... You are fine.. You just need a break.. Give yourself some love and time. it will heal things faster. And last but not the least, listen to high beat songs and dance to the music... I wish this helps you.. Take Care sweetest. You Rock It... 😍😍

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Hello , It is okay to have secrets we all have few secrets which we don’t tell to anyone but if that’s impacting you mentally, please seek support from psychologist. You can reach out to me as well I am a psychologist too and help you with tailored solution by understanding the complexity and the problem in depth 🌸
Depends on what lies you told and secrets you kept and with whom! Also not everything needs to be shared with everyone. If the lies you told are making you feel guilty or regret that moment you chose to tell lies but can't confess it and it's ruining your relationships with close ones or your reputation then it's better to confess them than to hide or tell more lies to cover up. If you feel resentful then forgive yourself and accept and own your mistakes- But you can change nothing about people talking behind your back. Talk to a therapist on coto!
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hi Anonymous the topic of death is trigger that's creating discomfort.. have you list anyone near and dear to you... or any childhood memory of witnessing someone s death.. Such incidents often times leave an imprint on our mind. and when there's a trigger that result s in resurfacing those memories you tend to experience the same emotion which you would have in the past when the actual incident happened. it's all about our brain and it's wiring system...
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Hello , There’s no such thing as being open book always with your friends, it is completely normal to have secrets which you dont feel like sharing, as it’s not harming anyone there’s nothing to be worried about .
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Keeping things bottled up is messing with my mental health. What should I do if keeping secrets is affecting me so badly? Is it always better to come clean, or are there some secrets that are best left buried? How do we find a balance between honesty and protecting ourselves and others? I think like secrets can be a heavy burden...!!!!
Hello , It is normal to have few secrets in life many people have secrets which they never tell to anyone. Till the time its not harming anyone else it is okay , if you feel it is causing a lot of distress within you would suggest to seek help from psychologist . You can contact me as well as i am a psychologist too and help you find tailored solution to your concern 🌸
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It's something from my past, and I'm terrified of how people would react if they found out. But keeping it bottled up is messing with my head. How do you live with a significant secret that could change how people see you? Should I just come clean and face the consequences, or can I keep it buried forever?
Hello , If you things inside you for a long time which is causing significant distress can lead to future mental health consequences like anxiety, so i would suggest find a mid ground where you can open up and reduce the consequences as it’s better than impacting your own mental health. All the best 🌸

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