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by rjshanvi on Oct 19, 2022

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Could Anyone recommend some heartwarming poems that celebrate the beauty and tenderness of motherhood? I'd love to explore some touching verses that capture the essence of maternal love and nurturing

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answered 28 days ago

Mother 'O' Mine is one by Rudyard Kipling

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I am in a cohabitation relationship, but I am also feeling scared about how my parents will react after knowing it. How accepted is cohabitation?
Hi, This is legally accepted in India.But there are some tabbo in our society.We have to face it positively.
Hello , When it comes to Indian society morals and ethics plays a big role in it , would suggest take your time and tell when time is correct.
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My mother was never there for me, all she did was leave me at age 1, my bua, and my cousin brother raised me, later when they left home after marriage, my dad took over raising me- which I hate because he is very controlling and always in denial, treats me an object meant to either study or get married 😔. To whom should I wish mother's day?
Hey there, I can understand that it must be a so difficult for you. but close your eyes and feel the person who has the most important impact on you while growing up. wish that person. Mother is not just who gave you birth, but also the one who raised you, or impacted your growth the most.
Are you self independent. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity.
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I made some mistakes in the past, and I'm terrified my kids will find out and hate me. Is it normal to have this fear that your children will discover your past mistakes? How do you cope with the guilt and worry, even if you've apologized and moved on?
pls have patience and watch the movement when the situation comes near to you then take decision how to normal this
Hello , The fear you’re having is completely normal and might be very difficult for you . Give things time to heal and if it’s causing lot of distress please seek support from psychologist . I am a psychologist too and there are few other psychologists as well on coto .
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دكتور انا عندي فوبيا خايفه جدا اني اطلع مبخلفش او اطلع بخلف اطفال عندهم مشكله في جسمهم الموضوع مارقني ومش مخليني مبسوطه في حياتي الروجيه وخايفه اخد خطوه زي دي
توكوفوبيا ده نوع من فوبيا الحمل بيوصل التجنب أو التملص من العلاقه الجنسيه بشكل مختلف كل مره تجنب للحمل أو طرق المنع الأخرى للحمل بدون الاتفاق مع الزوج ع ذلك اشجعك تتواصل ع اللايف للاستفسار اكتر
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Are there any benefits to cohabitation?
There are many benefits to it! Like a stronger bond and yk the person better from it
Yes. there are many benefits of cohabitation such as it makes your bond stronger, there's more understanding of your partner, trust builds,
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Hey, do you remember the best memories of your childhood? Because I don't remember anything. How do I deal with not remembering parts of my childhood?
Hello , It is completely normal to forget things from childhood. If you ask me even i might not be able to recollect all of it . All humans face this , so relax it is normal.
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Hi I want to lose my weight and please help me to motivate myself consistent. Guide me to lose weight bcoz am a mother of 14months old
Hi there, I hope you are well. - Motivation will usually last for a few days or weeks, however, discipline can last forever. - To lose weight, you will have to bring in discipline in your daily routine. - You need to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically. - Stay determined that you won't give up and start by making small changes in your routine. - Start by incorporating more fibre in the diet. Eat two servings of fruits, a bowl of salad for lunch as well as dinner daily. - Avoid packaged, ultra-processed and refined foods. - Eat in portions. - Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily. - Add protein to each of your meals, even snacks. - Have mid-meals or healthy snacks. - Start your morning with handful nuts, or seeds. - Keep a tab on your salt, sugar, and oil intake. - Have home-made meals that are easier to digest. - Get at least 7-8hrs of sleep on a regular basis. - Go for a walk at least 4 times a week. - Manage stress levels my meditation and yoga. I hope this helps ✨
you u really want something then your inner self is enough to motivate you. And weight loss is a journey so don't be harsh yourself. follow diet and exercise it will helps you
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كيف أتخطى الاكتئاب؟
اهلاً يا جميله🌸 تقدري تحددي الحاجات الي بتستمتعي بممارستها علشان تقدري تلتزمي بيها. تقدري كمان تغيري روتين حياتك ومتنعزليش عن الناس واطلبي الدعم من المقربين ليكي☺️ حطي أهدافًا معقولة. من خلال انك تحددي خطتك وفقًا لاحتياجاتك وقدراتك بدلاً من وضع أهداف كبيره متقدريش تحقيقها🙅🏻‍♀️ فكِّري في الحاجات الي ممكن تعوق نجاحك فكِّر في الحلول يعني لو أنتي بتتكسفي ممكن تمارسي الرياضة في المنزل. أو تطلبي من صديق 💪🏻يستمتع بالأنشطة البدنية نفسها التي تفضلها لتتدرب معه. ممكن كمان تختاري من الرياضات غير مكلفة مثل ممارسة المشي بانتظام. امنحي نفسك التقدير المناسب في كل خطوة تخطوها في الاتجاه الصحيح، بغض النظر عن مدى تأثيرها💖جرِّبي مجددًا في اليوم التالي. والتزمي بال وصلتي ليه. احصلي على الدعم من اختصاصي الصحة العقلية. وناقش معه برنامج التمارين الرياضية أو روتين الأنشطة البدنية وكيفية إدراجه في خطتك العلاجية الشاملة، لان دا هيفرق معاكي خصوصا لو محتاجه دا تقدري تتواصلي معايا من خلال اللايف كل يوم من السبت للخميس من الساعه ٨ حتي الساعه ١٢☺️ كمان تقدري تبعتيلي علي مساحتنا الامنه mental health talk
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hi guys, i have been dealing with slot of things alcoholic husband, financial problem, speech delayed 3 year old hyperactive baby and a lot of mental trauma. now i am pregnant with 2nd child. I don't want this baby becoz i have financial problem. nut my gamily wants me to have this baby. what should i do
hii neha it's your life so you should take your decision...if you not feel good about your 2nd pregnancy then take forward steps otherwise things maybe worst in future
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My daughter in law became a mom last year. Should I send her a mother's day card? Will she like it?
I would like to inform you to all the female that here we are hiring females for work from home opportunity. share your qualification in my WhatsApp number +919435110521.
Yes. you can do it. It will definitely make her feel happy as well as special since she is a new mom.

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