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by Bhavna Thadani on Apr 22, 2023

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Hey Friends, Somewhere in the midst of all the living we do, we tend to get wound up in unwanted thoughts and emotions, which often keep us from achieving our goals and becoming the person we are meant to be. My endeavour as a life coach is to help you pause, reflect and take daily small actionable steps towards your higher purpose in a simplified way. I will share actionable content which ( I hope) will inspire you to take the next step towards becoming a better version of yourself. So if this resonates with you, join the Vanilla Girl tribe😊 With Love Bhavna

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@Vanilla Girl Hey. I'm just another lively girl in this world. But I guess life ain't no lively everytime. These days I can't be sad I my own house. Some days there won't be anything to be sad but there's a sudden wave of depression that hit me. I can't be happy all the time. it drains my social energy and I can't deal with it everyday. How do you manage to put on a sweet smile for everyone???And is it that important to be happy everyday ?

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Trendinganswered 62 days ago

Hey there, life is what it is. Some days will make us happy and some won’t. The idea is to feel your emotions ( happy or sad ) rather than escaping it. Accepting and working through the tough emotions is the fastest way to navigate through them.

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الأهل بتلجئ للمختصين بعد خسائر كبيرة وممكن بعد ما عدى على الدجالين وقصه الأعمال والحسد واخر حاجه العيادة وهما في حالة ذهول و صدمة و يقولوا انا بنتي / ابني اللي مربيهم بيعملوا حاجات عمرنا متربينا عليها ومستغربين وصولوها ازاى نبتدى نسأل الأهل يعني ايه يا ماما نبتدى توضح بنهيار إن بنتي اللي كانت من المتفوقين دراسيا وأخلاقها إلى كانت بيضرب بيها المثل تلاقى كل شوية تدخل في علاقات/ ابني بيشرب مخدرات / بنتي بتأذي نفسها و حاولت أكتر من مرة تنتحر مع إنى موفرالها كل حاجه كل الكلام ده متكرر جداً و بنسمعه و بنبدأ نهدي الأهل و نسمع منهم و بعدين بنقعد مع البنت أو الولد و نكتشف المعاناة اللي بيعدوا بيها وهو اضطراب الشخصية الحدية أو ما يعرف أيضا بالشخصية البينية أو الحديه او Borderline personality disorder ما هو اضطراب الشخصية الحدية؟؟ اضطراب الشخصية الحدية هو مرض يتميز بتقلبات مزاجية و تغيير في السلوك و رؤية الذات والخوف من الهجر وفشل العلاقات الصحيه مما تؤدي إلي تصرفات اندفاعية و مشاكل في العلاقات مع الناس. مريض هذا الاضطراب يمر بنوبات غضب، اكتئاب، او قلق تمتد من ساعات إلى أيام. تظهر أعراض اضطراب الشخصية الحدية في سن المراهقة عادة او في مرحلة الشباب. هذا الاضطراب نسبته تصل إلي ٢٪، في الإناث أكثر من الذكور، ٤٠٪ من مرضي هذا الاضطراب يحاولون الانتحار و ٧٥٪ يقومون بإيذاء النفس. هل في علاج؟؟ الاجابه ايوه فى علاج العلاج الدوائي و العلاج الجدلي السلوكي المعروف اختصارا بال DBT. و قد أثبت العلاج الجدلي السلوكي دوره الفعال في علاج هؤلاء المرضي و التقليل من معانتهم. من الحاجات اللي بتدي أمل كبير، ان اللي ابتكر هذا النوع "مارشا لينهان" أخصائية علم النفس و التي كانت تعانى و صاحبة تشخيص اضطراب الشخصية الحدية و هذا يعني ان الشفاء غير مستحيل 😊 💪 👌شهر التوعية باضطراب الشخصية الحدية مها اسماعيل معالج نفسى اكلينيكى
أهلًا جميله مجتمع كوتو ، إزيك؟ أتمنى تكوني بخير. حبيت أقولك إن التسجيل للاستشارات الخاصة هيبدأ في شهر يونيو، وأنا متحمسة جدًا أساعدك وقتها. بس تقدري تتواصلي معايا دلوقت من خلال المكالمات صوتية أو فيديو عشان أقدر أساعدك. تقدري تختاري تكوني باسمك أو بشكل مجهول، اللي يريحك. لو عندك أي استفسار أو محتاجة مساعدة دلوقتي، ما تتردديش تتواصلي معايا على طول من خلال اللايف بتاعي من الساعة( ١م )إلى الساعة( ١٢ص )يوميا. أنا هنا عشان أساعدك بكل اللي أقدر عليه. أطيب تحية، دمتى بخير وود [مها اسماعيل ] من فريق كوتو 💜
منتظره اسالت حضراتكم للاجابه عليها
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انا حاسه ان عندي مشاكل في صحتي النفسيه كل حاجه بتاثر فيها وكل حاجه بتجرحني جدا ومبقتش قادره اعيش لدرجه ان بيحيلي افكار انتحاريه
مواعيد الlive :- الأيام:-من السبت للخميس المواعيد:- ص ٢.٠٠:٩.٣٠ م١.٠٠:١١.٠٠
أهلاً وسهلاً بحضرتك أحياناً الانسان مع تزايد المشاكل والضغوط خاصةً النفسية منها بيحس بالعجز وبيفقد الامل في العلاج،لكن مجرد طرح حضرتك لسؤال هنا بيدل علي رغبتك في العلاج وده في حد ذاته خطوةايجابيه ومهمه جداً ،وحابه اطمنك اني اتعاملت مع أشخاص كانو واصلين لمراحل متأخره بس بفضل الله مع الشغل جابو نتايج هايله وقادرين يستمتعو ويحسو بالرضا عن نفسهم وحياتهم رغم وجود مشاكل وتحديات كجزء أساسي في حياتنا ، اتمني حضرتك تاخدي الفرصة دي وتنعمي بأفضل حياه في اقرب وقت ان شاء الله . حضرتك تقدري تتواصلي معايا في اللايف وتعملي معايا private call دي بتكون بيني وبين حضرتك فقط عشان الخصوصية ،بحيث نقدر نتكلم بتفاصيل اكتر واقدر اوصل مع حضرتك لأسباب المشكله وانسب خطوات للتعامل معاها من خلال مجموعة من المهارات بنتدرب عليها مع بعض بتساعد حضرتك تشوفي التحديات والضغوط بمنظور مختلف وتتعاملي معاها بشكل فعال بإذن الله .
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دكتور انا تعبت من كثر التفكير دايما بفكر دايما حاسه اني قليله نفسيتي تعبت وبقارن نفسي دايما
معاكي علياء احمد اخصائي نفسي، محتاجين نشوف سبب ال overthinking بشكل سلبي لان ممكن يكون رواسب من صدمات في وقت الطفوله زي المقارنات أكيد نستني منك تكلميني علشان نقدر نعرف اكتر عن الموضوع … في حل سريع تقدري تستخدميه لما يجيلك افكار زي كدا، انك تدربي علي اليقظة الذهنية وهي من مهارات التعامل مع الافكار بس الافضل تكوني مع اخصائي أو معالج علشان المهارات دي لازم تتقنيها وكمان هيقولك علي البرنامج المناسب معاكي
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My husband' mother died last year . He has been depressed about it for so long. And now mother's day is coming,how can I help him to deal with it?
You can make him feel better by spending time with him such as showing his childhood photos or his mother's photo, do something that his mother always wanted to do or liked to do
Death of near and dear ones is really difficult to accept. Encourage him to recall the good time spent with his mother. Pamper him by cooking a dish his mother use to cook for him. Time has the power of healing. Don't worry he will be fine soon.
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My friends straight up don't listen to me when I'm venting or sharing my problems. They zone out, change the subject, or give shitty advice that shows they weren't even paying attention. It's pissing me off feeling dismissed like that by people who are supposed to be my girls. How do I get through to them and make them actually hear me out without invalidating how I feel?
Its better to stay with less friends then the friends who dont value your feelings, nevertheless, confrontation of how you feel can also help to either break off or bring you closer
Just go and have a straightforward conversation with them. Just vent out everything to them about how you have been feeling. If they are your true friends then they will definitely understand you.
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I am therapist but I also feel vulnerable, anxious and sad sometimes so this is just a reminder for you all that none of us has “figured it out everything” all of us are going through something, just hold on to it and things will get better❤️ Do share how are you feeling?
Anxiety can be really tough sometimes to be dealt with! 🙃
It's actually a relief hearing it from your side!! 😔😔
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Just started college and already facing some serious homophobia from my classmates. They keep making jokes and spreading rumors. I don't want to tell my parents yet, but this is starting to affect my mental health. Any advice on how to handle this?
So first of all you should take help from your professor or some counselor who will help you in dealing with this problem. secondly if you feel like then you should share it with your parents. There is nothing wrong in that, instead they will support you and help you in this situation
Firstly thank you for sharing how you felt,secondly our culture in india is not queer affirmative but what we as individuals needs is acceptance of our own identity and am so glad you embrace it, facing bullying is difficult everyday i suggest talking to your counselor/therapist for helping you build resilience
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I am suffering with depression from past 10-12 years. I am taking regular psychiatric medicines also. But the major problem which I am facing in life is that I am having a vascillating mind. I am not able to stick to one plan for more than 2-3 days. I cannot follow anything religiously or with consistency. I lose my interest in anything I decide to do very soon. I can't even take bath daily because of mental lethargy. I have gained a lot of weight in these 10-12 years. It's 122 kg currently. I have tried meditation, yoga, walking, exercise everything. But I am not able to continue these things for a long time. I give up in 2-3 days everytime. I am 30 years old. I want to change my life. I want to get out of this vicious circle. How can I come out of it. Please widen my horizon about what is that is hindering in my life to move on and flourish and change. please advise and help me with your suggestions.
Hey there, thank you for sharing. Feeling like you've tried a lot of things and nothing working can be truly disheartening. It's understandable you feel frustrated and exhausted. I want to acknowledge the effort you've put in to find ways to feel better. It's definitely not easy. Since you've already been on medication for a long time, it's natural for your body to get resistant to it. Along with the meds, I would suggest to seek professional guidance from a psychologist for a fresh perspective. Sometimes a new perspective gives a glimmer of hope and might pave the way for your progress. Additionally, having a strong support system(friends, family) can also help you with motivation. Remember to be gentle with yourself during this challenging time, it's okay to take breaks and prioritize self care. Even though it might not feel like it now, things can change. If you want to explore further, you can get on a one-on-one call with me on the platform.
Hi Aparna, I hear your struggle,it is very challenging and 10-12 years is a long time.You have a lot of things at hand, weight management, depression, routine, etc all of which can be very overwhelming. You are very highly motivated Aparna but consistency is the issue, right? There is some negative self talk which is overpowering to keep you in a loop. Therapy is very important for you to get out of this loop. You can book a discovery call with me.
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So here's what happened. My best friend, Sarah, noticed I've been kind of… off lately. We were supposed to meet for coffee, but I kept canceling because I just couldn't leave the house. Finally, she came over, all worried, and that's when it all spilled out. The constant thoughts, you know, the ones that latch onto your brain and won't let go? Yeah, those. And the urges to do certain things, over and over, even if they make no sense? Turns out, it all has a name – OCD. what should i do to be better? @MindsightClinic
Hey! that's good to know that you are aware of a OCD which is obsessive compulsive disorder. But you cannot diagnose it on your own. I am an RCI licenced Clinical Psychologist and I have death with many clients who suffered from Ocd but are now completely fine. You can connect me on my live session and we can discuss your problem there.
It's a normal thing. many people have ocd these days. nothing to be afraid of. You should consult a mental health professional who might help you in dealing with OCD.
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I'm a new mother struggling with postpartum depression, and I feel ashamed to ask for help. How can I overcome the stigma and seek support for my mental health? @Natasha Singh
You shouldn't feel ashamed. It's ok to feel this way. Asking for help doesn't make you weak, infact it shows your strength that u r taking therapy to fight for your mental health.
It's always good to talk to an expert about this. it will reveal certain things that you may not be aware of and it will result in you taking actions towards your solution. Be positive and see what happens rather than concluding that nothing will happen..there is no question of feeling ashamed! You can use this platform too to make a start. There are Drs, mental health experts, join their community a ND ask your questions to start with. Tc, Preetha

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