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by Rokya Kamel on Apr 5, 2024

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New Motherscommented 27 days ago

Welcome dear ❤️

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Unlock your potential and find solace through a transformative journey of self-discovery with professional counselling - because your mental wellbeing matters.snsb
exactly mental health matters and it should be our priority
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Rumination is not a disorder. It is a preventative cognition which is found alongside many disorder such as depression, anxiety, OCD & PTSD. What do you find yourself ruminating about the most ??
I think for me it is household chores and miscellaneous tasks. I get anxious about when I'll get to them and when it's get done
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I am struggling with work currently. I have changed my job in the month of April and it's going to be 2 months now. I am struggling with work life balance. Sometimes I am working till 2-3 am in the morning. It's getting worse and worse with the time and I am not being able to get proper training. My senior is not very helpful. Can you please share anything regarding to it that might help me? Thanks in advance!
hi dear , u have patience future will be good fru and ru interested in wfh business opportunity without hampering ur present occupation and build ur career goals,it's a part time or full time dm me on WhatsApp 9861973491
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دكتورة ممكن تتكلمي اكتر عن ادمان العادة السرية وعلاجها
مساء الخير انهرده كان في لايف الصبح عن إدمان العاده السرية وان شاء الله يكون متواجد اللايف مسجل تقدري تشوفيه ولو عندك اي اسئلة أو استشارات تقدري تبعتيهالي هنا في سؤال أو تدخلي معايا اي لايف جاي تسأليني عنها..وان شاء الله اقدر اساعدك🌸
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Part 3 of how mind and body awareness can keep your mental health at the best. Simple steps to a happy and fulfilled you ❤️ #mentalhealth #mindfullivingwithnidhi
Addition to this .. Mental health cause disturbance and work from home opportunity will help you to get peace in one's life. DM for more updates
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هل اي شخصية عندها فرط حساسية يبقي معندهاش ثقة بالنفس أو تبقي شخصية ضعيفة؟! تابعوني بكره في live الساعة ٩.٣٠ صباحاً هنعمل إختبار فرط الحساسية وبعدها نتكلم عن تعاملاتهم وعلاقاتهم وازاي يتعاملو
So true
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امتي ألجأ لمعالج نفسي ؟
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دكتوره حضرتك اتكلمتي عن الشخصيه الحساسه وانا فعلا بعاني من هالشي من الصغر عمري٢٩وللحين عندي تحسس من اي نقد او كلمه جارحه وفعلا بحس انو عندي ضعف بالشخصيه مابعرف دافع عن حالي ولاافرض رايي ونفسي وخوافه جدا وبيوضح عليي هالشي
اهلا وسهلاً بحضرتك أستاذة رفح متفهمه جداً احساس حضرتك بالضغط المستمر نتيجة عدم قدرة حضرتك علي التعبير عن مشاعرك واحتياجاتك وواضح ان فرط الحساسية عند حضرتك مرتبط بضعف تقدير الذات ،محتاجين نتكلم أكتر عشان نوصل للأسباب والافكار اللي ادت لده ونبدأ نتعامل معاها خطوه بخطوه. تقدري تتواصلي معايا بكره في اللايف من خلال الprivate call وفيها محدش بيسمع المكالمه في اللايف غيرك علشان الخصوصية ونتكلم بتفاصيل اكتر . مواعيدي من السبت للخميس صباحاً من ٩.٣٠ ل٢.٠٠ وليلاً من ١١.٠٠ ل١.٠٠
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القرارات يجب ألّا تتخذ في وجود الإنفعالات…..
عندك حق ده فعلاً صعب بس مع مجموعة من المهارات بيتم التدريب عليها بتقدري تتحكمي في انفعالاتك وتخففي حدتها في اسرع وقت عشان تقدري تاخدي قرارات حكيمه
فعلا الإنسان مش لازم ياخد قرار وهو قلقان بزيادة على أد ما الموضوع صعب لأننا احيانا كتير بنضطر ناخد قرار بغض النظر عن حالتنا النفسية إلا إن عواقب القرار بعد كدا ممكن تبقى أصعب بكتير مما تخيلنا.

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Hey there, My name is Bhumika Sehra and I’m a Counselling psychologist with a passion for helping individuals overcome their challenges and improve their mental well-being. I have acquired my Masters in Clinical psychology from CMR University, Bangalore and have been trained to bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to my practice. With a focus on evidence-based therapies and a deep understanding of human behavior, I work with clients to address psychological issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts, mood disorders, body image issues, burnout and, life transitions amongst other things. With 1000+ sessions undertaken in Psychiatric Hospitals, my approach is tailored to your unique needs, making it a customised and effective treatment. Whether you're seeking support for yourself or a loved one, I am here to offer guidance, support, and cultivate mindfulness and a safe space for healing and growth with a perspective that resonates with the experiences and challenges unique to women. Join our Community "Untangled" for insightful discussions, live sessions, helpful tips, and a supportive community dedicated to mental health. Together, let's untangle life's challenges and grow stronger.more

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Hello, I am a counselling psychologist, certified parenting coach, and Sub-Conscious Reprogramming Coach with more than 10 years of experience. I have written a book by the title "Raising a Mindful Parent," which has been a best-selling book on amazon. I am a speaker on various platforms and love to speak on topics on Mental Health and Parenting. I believe in the fact that a good mindset and mental health is the difference between a success and a failure, a happy life and a not-so-happy life. So, I work passionately and extensively in changing the limiting beliefs of people, which are stopping them from achieving their highest potential be it in area of personal development, self-confidence, parenting, or financial management. I have written many articles for some of the leading newspapers and websites on topics related to mental health, self-development, and parenting. I have also been invited as a panelist for panel discussions on some leading TV channels. My work in these areas has been widely recognised, and I have received many recognitions for the same.more

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Hello all the wonderful Ladies🙋 here at coto, I am Salony Saini, an RCI licensed Clinical Psychologist. I have been working in this field for a couple of years and have over 600+ hours of therapy and have seen amazing and satisfying outcomes. I have worked with clients suffering from Obsessive compulsive disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Marital Conflicts and infidelity, Exam stress, Family issues and many more other mental health problems. I use different Therapies and techniques according to your needs. I am nonjudgemental, empathetic, trustworthy and patience in nature while dealing with my clients . I will always make sure to provide you with a safe and friendly environment where you can share all your thoughts freely.more

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