mommie and angles

by rjshanvi on Oct 19, 2022

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I’m giving a speech next week and it’s supposed to be about my mom . Do you have any suggestions about what my speech could contain? It could be anything related to my mom and my family.

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Eating Disordersanswered 29 days ago

You can tell about your mom's journey, how she looked after you.

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answered 29 days ago

Yeah you can appreciate her strength and unconditional love she does

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Hey there, I can understand that it must be a so difficult for you. but close your eyes and feel the person who has the most important impact on you while growing up. wish that person. Mother is not just who gave you birth, but also the one who raised you, or impacted your growth the most.
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pls have patience and watch the movement when the situation comes near to you then take decision how to normal this
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Hello , It is completely normal to forget things from childhood. If you ask me even i might not be able to recollect all of it . All humans face this , so relax it is normal.
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Try knowing your reasons , discuss with more woman who decided on this decision and try having open communication with your husband/co parent, your willingness is top most priority
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