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by shikha10 on Nov 15, 2022

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I am a single mom to an adorable girl since 4 years...I have had my ups and down.. let's connect and strengthen each other

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Single Parenting

My daughter said Mother's Day is for her. Should I say it's for me, or both?

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answered 25 days ago

Mother's Day is traditionally a day to honor and appreciate mothers, so it's natural for you to feel it's for you. However, it can also be a day for your daughter to show her love and appreciation for you as her mother. So, it's both for you and for her, as it celebrates the special bond between mothers and children.

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answered 25 days ago

Mother's Day is for both of us!💞

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answered 25 days ago

yes you should tell her and also by adding more detail about the importance of mothers

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Hello , USA : 70 % India :20% But the number is for sure increasing
Hi, yes nowadays it's very common .But difficult to say the no.Some people think it will help them to understand each other in a better way.
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