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by Urvashi Dholakia on Nov 20, 2022

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I am Enough

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Always known I was different, but never had the courage to explore it. Now that I'm retired, I'd love to connect with other LGBTQ+ women, especially older folks like myself. Any suggestions for LGBTQ+ senior groups in India?

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Surrogacyanswered 28 days ago

Humsafar Trust is one of India's oldest organisations that has been advocating for the rights and the health of LGBTQ+ individuals in India since 1993. Twice every month, they host meet-ups and workshops to bring the community together and socialise. Apart from this, the good folks at Humsafar also provide legal and psychological aid to those in distress. In cases of extortion, blackmail, or to help you through the 'coming out' phase, these are the people you can trust without any qualms. They conduct a bunch of workshops as well so do keep a check on their social media handles and website for the same. You can also search online for local LGBTQA communities and join their workshop or discussion groups. More power to you and Best of luck for the future! 👍

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New Mothersanswered 30 days ago

nice idea

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New Mothersanswered 29 days ago

more power to you, I am not aware of any, but for younger folks have some

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Embrace love in all its colors and empower acceptance - because nobody should be judged for their sexual orientation, rather celebrated for flourishing as their true authentic selves.uvhvhchxgcccy
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hello, i am a virgin and as usual i am also afraid for my first time, i dont have any partner right now but one of my friend is ready for physical intimitation, should i go for it, i want it and i dont also because i am confused and somewhere i feel that i should do it with my love only which i dont have right now, what should i do and what things need to be worried about for my first time and what is the good age to do it, can anyone suggest.
Sex is not for trial and error dear. It's a emotional need of any teenage or above person. You have such feelings when you meet someone special, those feelings will automatically take you to next step whenever it should happen. And about your so called friend, you are not a baby doll to try by him. Those who tell any girl be physical or we will break up are just using them for their physical need. Once they use you, they will throw you out of their life and you will be shattered into pieces. it's not like that,If you do not hurry, you will miss the train! Maybe he is not your man! Keep searching from heart, in coming future you will definitely get your prince. Till then just keep yourself sustained. So Don't hurry!
Hi there! Hope you are doing well. I can understand what you are going through. As a therapist, I want to tell you that if you have even a small doubt in your mind about going ahead with it, then I suggest you take a step back and re evaluate the situation. Only do things you are ready for. If you feel you want to have sex only with someone you love and you don’t feel completely ready to explore hooking up, FWBs or one night stands, it’s okay! There’s no pressure. Also, try not to be in a hurry. What has to come, might come at the most unexpected times. Till then, it’s alright to not do it if you don’t feel ready. Take care 💜
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In a lesbian relationship we tend to run of things to have fun with. Are there any particular pleasure toys that me and my girlfriend can use as we belong to the same gender. We are new into exploring our sex lives together, and want to get more pleasure?
Though you can try all sex toys for females as a whole. But there are some sex toys which are specially designed for lesbian couples. Sex toys for lesbian couples : Strap on dildos: Allowing you and your partner to enjoy hands-free penetrative sex and power play. Strap on harnesses: Pullover like conventional panties, this new generation of harness easily hosts the sex toy of your choice in the O'Ring. Double dildos: get double the pleasure. It's an insertable end held inside the vagina by squeezing one’s PC muscles, leaving the longer shaft free to explore. Vibrating dildos for clitoral stimulation: Different styled wands with or without vibrators Only thing is search for it, know the manual and have open discussion about it with your partner. Also purchase from genuine sellers, it should be made up of medical grade cilicone.
There are plenty of pleasure toys designed specifically for same-sex couples! You could try strap-on harnesses with various attachments, double-ended dildos, vibrators, or even bondage gear if you're into that. It's all about experimenting and finding what works best for both of you. Just make sure to communicate openly and have fun exploring together!
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I am 16 and I have realised I am not straight for sure. I've been exploring my sexual orientation and identity, and I'm not sure who I can talk to for support and guidance. Are there resources available specifically for LGBTQ+ youth regarding sexual health and well-being?
You are just 16, with time you will get to know everything clearly. And what do ever be your sexual orientation, it's perfectly alright.
O ky last year my friend came out as ni and it was turning for her. So just talk to someone you can. It is difficult to do it virtually
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Is it okay to have feelings for someone from the same gender??
Yes, why not, because only Love is real, physical incarnation can be in any gender.. Stay Blessed 🙌
It's totally normal to be attracted physically, romantically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually to other people, and we want you to know… … It's okay to have a crush on someone of the same sex or gender, or someone who has a different sex or gender. We're all human, and we experience attraction in various ways.
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My partner and I have been struggling with communication issues lately, which often leads to arguments and unresolved conflicts between us. As someone in a committed relationship, I'm looking for advice on improving how we communicate our needs and perspectives to each other in a healthier way. What strategies have worked well for other couples to facilitate open and productive dialogues, even when discussing touchy subjects? @Preetha_Balakrishnan
Take Relationship healing sessions contact-8160377413
There’s something called as fair fighting rules: basically when you communicate, focus on the issue and not the person. Do not play blame games and criticise that person. there’s a difference between criticising (blaming the person) and expressing a complain (about the issue). The latter is what helps. Secondly, use “I” statements: start sentences with “I feel…”, “I think…”, “I need…”. Also give space to the other person’s words and keep their consent into consideration. For example: “ I feel if you do this, it will make me feel amazing. Let me know what your thoughts are about the same”.

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