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The Phoenix Tribe

by Phoenix_Method_Coaching on Jan 25, 2023

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A safe place to discuss, what burns us out. Did you know that burnout is in built into our Culture? Let’s normalize talking about it & how we can become more resilient, confident, focused & purpose driven. This is a non-judgmental space! ✨❤️✨

🧠 Mental Health
Stress Management

Balancing work, personal life and self care has been challenging lately. I have started exercise and yoga to overcome this but it's not help me. Please give me some tips to overcome these anxieties? @Phoenix_Method_Coaching

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Eating Disordersanswered 112 days ago

Prioritize tasks, set boundaries, ask for support, and practice mindfulness.

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New Mothersanswered 102 days ago

First of all, there is no such thing as Balance in life! There is only Harmony. Everyday, if you expect to do everything in its allotted time, when will you rest? There will be some days, where you can focus on yourself and some days where work gets more. Figure out what that Harmony is. Make time for what matters to you. Use your calendar to fill in personal activities too. Recognize which activity takes most of your time. Usually people realize that it is scrolling on their phone that takes so much of their time in the day. Become very intentional about what you do. Remember, any kind of change requires consistency. But show kindness to yourself. If you give yourself a hard time everytime you don’t feel you have achieved harmony, it takes longer. Keep a kindness journal and write about how kind you have been to yourself. The better you feel, the more committed you are. If you guilt yourself into a commitment then you are heading for a nervous breakdown.

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hi Anonymous the topic of death is trigger that's creating discomfort.. have you list anyone near and dear to you... or any childhood memory of witnessing someone s death.. Such incidents often times leave an imprint on our mind. and when there's a trigger that result s in resurfacing those memories you tend to experience the same emotion which you would have in the past when the actual incident happened. it's all about our brain and it's wiring system...
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Hello , As constant battle with yourself can lead to anxiety and stress . It can also lead to other mental health problems in future if it causes a lot of distress to you in your daily life . Solution for this is see a psychologist for tailored solution. There are psychologists on coto app you can connect with them , You can connect with me as well I am a psychologist too .
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Hello , If you things inside you for a long time which is causing significant distress can lead to future mental health consequences like anxiety, so i would suggest find a mid ground where you can open up and reduce the consequences as it’s better than impacting your own mental health. All the best 🌸
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Hello , It is normal to have few secrets in life many people have secrets which they never tell to anyone. Till the time its not harming anyone else it is okay , if you feel it is causing a lot of distress within you would suggest to seek help from psychologist . You can contact me as well as i am a psychologist too and help you find tailored solution to your concern 🌸
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Hello, I am Riya a psychologist You can practice mindfulness techniques everyday and some meditation techniques which will help you , if you still feel not being helpful you can reach out to me for solution 🌸

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Hey there, My name is Bhumika Sehra and I’m a Counselling psychologist with a passion for helping individuals overcome their challenges and improve their mental well-being. I have acquired my Masters in Clinical psychology from CMR University, Bangalore and have been trained to bring a compassionate and empathetic approach to my practice. With a focus on evidence-based therapies and a deep understanding of human behavior, I work with clients to address psychological issues, such as stress, anxiety, depression, relationship conflicts, mood disorders, body image issues, burnout and, life transitions amongst other things. With 1000+ sessions undertaken in Psychiatric Hospitals, my approach is tailored to your unique needs, making it a customised and effective treatment. Whether you're seeking support for yourself or a loved one, I am here to offer guidance, support, and cultivate mindfulness and a safe space for healing and growth with a perspective that resonates with the experiences and challenges unique to women. Join our Community "Untangled" for insightful discussions, live sessions, helpful tips, and a supportive community dedicated to mental health. Together, let's untangle life's challenges and grow stronger.more

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