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by Mona Gujral on Sep 15, 2022

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The purpose of this community is to share, listen, learn and be supportive just like friends and family to share your personal experiences, coping strategies and exchange firsthand information.Please note.This is peer support group community. This is not therapy.This is not professionally facilitated community.

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being in the education field day by day it is becoming more difficult to pass each day as a normal school day. parents threatened and complain for the smallest of things no fault ever being of the child! it's so depressing at times. it's as if people are trying hard to change not just the person but the day to day running of the school am I the only one feeling like this?

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Divorceanswered 58 days ago

Many people are struggling with same,you are not alone,hold on , trust yourself and try sharing this with more colleagues

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answered 56 days ago

It's ok. it happens. being in the educational filed is a difficult task.

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 55 days ago

Hey there It is completely okay to feel this and its a good thing that you feel the need to change the wrong ways of the working of the school If the situation is confined to that one school, you can always look for better opportunities that align more with your principles.

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answered 54 days ago

You are definitely not alone in feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by the challenges in the education field, especially when it comes to dealing with demanding parents and unrealistic expectations. Many educators and school administrators experience similar difficulties and pressures in their day-to-day work. It's important to remember that you are not responsible for solving all the problems or meeting all the expectations on your own.

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Rituals & Practicesanswered 50 days ago

Yes, unfortunately the parents these days are too demanding and want to overlook the actions of their children. I am sure your colleagues would also be facing this, talk to them and see how they are coping with this, and you all together can try and chamge this.

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