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Girls with anxiety

by SwastiGenztherapist on Oct 12, 2022

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Hi everyone! In this community, we talk about our experiences and give ideas to deal with anxiety. This is a place to feel safe and supported. We talk about our feelings and thoughts, share advice, and offer encouragement to one another. We also discuss different ways for managing anxiety and maintaining mental well-being. Join the community and let's create a supportive and understanding environment where we can help each other find peace of mind<3

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I feel that I experience FOMO every time I don’t do something my friends are doing or every time I skip going out with them. And this fear has now turned into panic attacks and fear of losing them. What do I do, How can I overcome this?

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Trendinganswered 36 days ago

This is something i also go through a lot, What I have understood is fomo actually comes from a lot of my own insecurities “that i am not good enough “ I have to please others and have to make some impact so that they can love me, but it actually about me loving my own company and make peace with loneliness and how its not always important that other people like me all the time

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New Mothersanswered 36 days ago

Dear Anonymous.. You seem to be seeking validation from others. Work on your self-esteem, boost your confidence.... Connect with mekn DM or whats app for more details

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Networkinganswered 36 days ago

Fomo is a very natural feeling to have since humans are social animals and when we are deprived of that social context, it makes us anxious. If it is bothering you that your friends hang out without you, you can try communicating with them on how you're feeling. if you get the validation from them, it might make you feel better and less left out. You can also note if specific things are making you feel insecure or in a general sense. Additionally, if it is overwhelming you to the point of a panic attack, it is good to seek a professional's help who can help you with your issues specifically.

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Trendinganswered 32 days ago

Dearest Anonymous... Before anything else... take a breath and know that you are not alone. But there are ways to deal with this. I am a Woman's Emotional Health Specialist..... the only one in India. would love to have a chat with you if you feel like it. 🌺 I have been working with Indian women in all their authenticity and distinction very closely. Would love to chat with you and figure out how I can help you be totally free from this feeling of FOMO you are experiencing. Please message me, if this feels like you want to give it a chance. loads of love and a big hug to you 😘

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Trendinganswered 19 days ago

Hi! Hope you are well. Imagine having dinner with your friends while everyone is enjoying their meal, but you are staring at the dessert menu. Doing this simply distracts you from the 'NOW' and doesn't let you enjoy what's right in front of you. This what FOMO does! Always distracting you with something else and not letting you enjoy the present. Collect your focus and bring it to the present moment. You will realise that by being in that moment you are enjoying yourself. You always don't have to do everything at once, but the ones you chose to do participate in them with your whole heart and mind!

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أهلًا جميله مجتمع كوتو ، إزيك؟ أتمنى تكوني بخير. حبيت أقولك إن التسجيل للاستشارات الخاصة هيبدأ في شهر يونيو، وأنا متحمسة جدًا أساعدك وقتها. بس تقدري تتواصلي معايا دلوقت من خلال المكالمات صوتية أو فيديو عشان أقدر أساعدك. تقدري تختاري تكوني باسمك أو بشكل مجهول، اللي يريحك. لو عندك أي استفسار أو محتاجة مساعدة دلوقتي، ما تتردديش تتواصلي معايا على طول من خلال اللايف بتاعي من الساعة( ١م )إلى الساعة( ١٢ص )يوميا. أنا هنا عشان أساعدك بكل اللي أقدر عليه. أطيب تحية، دمتى بخير وود [مها اسماعيل ] من فريق كوتو 💜
منتظره اسالت حضراتكم للاجابه عليها
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انا حاسه ان عندي مشاكل في صحتي النفسيه كل حاجه بتاثر فيها وكل حاجه بتجرحني جدا ومبقتش قادره اعيش لدرجه ان بيحيلي افكار انتحاريه
مواعيد الlive :- الأيام:-من السبت للخميس المواعيد:- ص ٢.٠٠:٩.٣٠ م١.٠٠:١١.٠٠
أهلاً وسهلاً بحضرتك أحياناً الانسان مع تزايد المشاكل والضغوط خاصةً النفسية منها بيحس بالعجز وبيفقد الامل في العلاج،لكن مجرد طرح حضرتك لسؤال هنا بيدل علي رغبتك في العلاج وده في حد ذاته خطوةايجابيه ومهمه جداً ،وحابه اطمنك اني اتعاملت مع أشخاص كانو واصلين لمراحل متأخره بس بفضل الله مع الشغل جابو نتايج هايله وقادرين يستمتعو ويحسو بالرضا عن نفسهم وحياتهم رغم وجود مشاكل وتحديات كجزء أساسي في حياتنا ، اتمني حضرتك تاخدي الفرصة دي وتنعمي بأفضل حياه في اقرب وقت ان شاء الله . حضرتك تقدري تتواصلي معايا في اللايف وتعملي معايا private call دي بتكون بيني وبين حضرتك فقط عشان الخصوصية ،بحيث نقدر نتكلم بتفاصيل اكتر واقدر اوصل مع حضرتك لأسباب المشكله وانسب خطوات للتعامل معاها من خلال مجموعة من المهارات بنتدرب عليها مع بعض بتساعد حضرتك تشوفي التحديات والضغوط بمنظور مختلف وتتعاملي معاها بشكل فعال بإذن الله .
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دكتور انا تعرضت للتحرش من سنه من حد قريب مني جدا الموضوع عقدي جدا ومش عارفه احل الموضوع بقيت شخصيه قلقانه بس
اهلا بيكي Lele 😊 حقك تتوتري بس هتحتاجي تسيطري تتحكمي فالافكار اللي ورا التوتر علشان الموضوع ميتحكمش فعاداتك ويومك فكل ما تلاقي نفسك متوترة اسالي نفسك ليه؟ وهاتي نفسك هنا ودلوقتي ولو حسيتي صعبه تعمليها وحدك اقدر اساعدك ب call او consultation خلال اللايف بتاعي اهلا بيكي فاي وقت حبيبتي ♥️
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دكتور انا داخله على جواز قلقانه جدا من الموضوع ده وخايفه بجد لدرجه اني حاسه اني مش عايزه اكمل اعمل اي اسمع لنفسي وامشي ؟
اهلا بيكي 😊 الخوف طبيعي جدا جدا سواء خايفة من الجنس او من المسؤليه ١- متسمعيش للناس او خبرات سلبيه للي حواليكي والسوشيال ميديا ٢-اسالي نفسك دا الشخص الصح اللي عايزة اكمل معاه؟ لو الاجابه اه يبقي دا الخوف الطبيعي قبل الجواز تابعيني هتكلم كتير عن الموضوع دا ولو عندك اي سوال او تفاصيل اهلا بيكي🥰
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دكتور انا تعبت من كثر التفكير دايما بفكر دايما حاسه اني قليله نفسيتي تعبت وبقارن نفسي دايما
معاكي علياء احمد اخصائي نفسي، محتاجين نشوف سبب ال overthinking بشكل سلبي لان ممكن يكون رواسب من صدمات في وقت الطفوله زي المقارنات أكيد نستني منك تكلميني علشان نقدر نعرف اكتر عن الموضوع … في حل سريع تقدري تستخدميه لما يجيلك افكار زي كدا، انك تدربي علي اليقظة الذهنية وهي من مهارات التعامل مع الافكار بس الافضل تكوني مع اخصائي أو معالج علشان المهارات دي لازم تتقنيها وكمان هيقولك علي البرنامج المناسب معاكي
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دكتور انا داخله على جواز الناس كلها مخوفني من الخطوه دي من ناحيه المسؤوليات الضغظ والملل من بعض اعمل اي
اتفقنا هستناكي بكرة الساعه ٧ بليل
حابه اخد مع حضرتك سيشن او لو كده ممكن اكلمك في اللايف
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My husband' mother died last year . He has been depressed about it for so long. And now mother's day is coming,how can I help him to deal with it?
You can make him feel better by spending time with him such as showing his childhood photos or his mother's photo, do something that his mother always wanted to do or liked to do
Death of near and dear ones is really difficult to accept. Encourage him to recall the good time spent with his mother. Pamper him by cooking a dish his mother use to cook for him. Time has the power of healing. Don't worry he will be fine soon.
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دكتور انا شخصيه حساسه قوي وبجد بزعل من اي حاجه لدرجه ان حاسه ان الناس بتبعد عني اعمل اي هي دي قله ثقه في النفس ؟
الحساسية وعدم الثقة بالنفس ليهم علاقة مباشرة ببعض،في مجموعه من العلامات تقدري تعرفي من خلالها هل عندك المشكله دي او لا لو عندك اكتر من ٣ علامات من العلامات اللي هقولهم -الانعزال الاجتماعي. -التردد وعدم القدرة علي اتخاذ القرارات . -الإفراط في الإعتذار ،المدح او شكر الاخرين. -تجنب التحدث للآخرين. -جلد الذات. الشعور بالدونية. -الابتعاد عن الفرص والتجارب الجديدة.
لو لقيتي إن فعلا عندك محتاجين نتكلم تاني عشان نوصل للأسباب ونتعامل معاها. اتمني اكون أفدت حضرتك
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May is here,what goals you wish to work on for your mental health and well being?
Taking a break from studies, jobs, relationships n focusing on reading new genre books and journaling a lot!🤗
I heal people by YPV psychological healing in such situation
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How to be calm and have patience if someone irritates you
Hello, I can understand that there are times when you feel so irritated with the people around you, and it does feel very difficult to deal with the situation. Always remember that you have to protect your own peace, and that's the only thing that matters. So try to move away from such situations in any way possible.
Set boundaries for yourself and do not allow anyone to enter into your mental space

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Hello, I am a counselling psychologist, certified parenting coach, and Sub-Conscious Reprogramming Coach with more than 10 years of experience. I have written a book by the title "Raising a Mindful Parent," which has been a best-selling book on amazon. I am a speaker on various platforms and love to speak on topics on Mental Health and Parenting. I believe in the fact that a good mindset and mental health is the difference between a success and a failure, a happy life and a not-so-happy life. So, I work passionately and extensively in changing the limiting beliefs of people, which are stopping them from achieving their highest potential be it in area of personal development, self-confidence, parenting, or financial management. I have written many articles for some of the leading newspapers and websites on topics related to mental health, self-development, and parenting. I have also been invited as a panelist for panel discussions on some leading TV channels. My work in these areas has been widely recognised, and I have received many recognitions for the same.more

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