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by Sonia27 on Aug 3, 2023

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Hi everyone my self is Sonia my community is basically for those who want to share something which they can't share with parents friends or with any relative ,we are here to listen you be free to talk to us about your emotions about how you feel and what you want to do who exactly you are and what you have in your mind , we are open to hear you from our heart and we also create special moments for those who want to do something special for their loved ones we create special moments for everyone who want to make some memorable moments with his or her special ones either friends family or love of your life you say and we create it ......

❤️ Relationship
Family Issues

I know someone, my relative actually. she started living separately from her husband because they had issues going on. They are now separate from 2 years I guess. The thing is I'm thinking why aren't they getting divorced officially. Why to remain connected legally if they have so many problems. I don't understand this idea of them. I'm completely confused. Why do most women not go for divorce and rather just choose to live separately after a failed marriage? @Nazneen

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answered 29 days ago

There could be many reasons why someone might choose not to get divorced officially even after separating. Some individuals may have religious or cultural beliefs that discourage divorce. Others might be concerned about the financial implications or the impact on their children. Additionally, some couples may still have hope for reconciliation or may simply not want to deal with the legal process of divorce. It's a personal decision that varies for each individual and couple based on their unique circumstances and beliefs. As for why some women choose to live separately after a failed marriage rather than pursue divorce, it can depend on factors such as financial independence, cultural norms, or personal beliefs about marriage and divorce. Every situation is different, and it's important to respect each person's choices and circumstances.

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Networkinganswered 29 days ago

There could be many reasons. I feel it’s a personal choice. Maybe some people do it out of hope that things may resolve sooner or later. Some folks do it to avoid the tag of a divorce which unfortunately is a taboo in India. Some people may not want to go through the legal process. Can be tons of reasons

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answered 25 days ago

See...People staying connected is not an issue as long as their problems are not affecting their lives ones. They surely would have their own reasons to do so

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answered 20 days ago

I think it's probably because they are scared about what people will think. Especially for the women it's difficult to take a divorce, she gets to hear a lot even if it wasn't her fault.

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You should leave him. File a divorce.
you should just walk away and get to live your life on your own terms.
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hy sandy1290 though i dont have right to speak in your personal matter but i still want to say it that if their is no love ,no affection no respect an you knows it well just because of your daughter how much you will suffer .this is yoyr life if he can live his life by hurting you than why you cant live with your daughter alone. please think about your self take a hard step it will give little pain to u but in future you can breath happily stay happy an can live better with your daughter.
Hi.. hope you are well! I can understand the kind of pain and mental conflict you are going through. Before taking any decision you need to make yourself feel mentally and emotionally strong. If you are able to have a peace of mind then you can think carefully and support your daughter. Being financially independent is also a key. Please focus on these areas. Post this you will see that you are able to make better life choices.
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Leave him for your wellbeing. because if he found his love then he will not be able to love you.
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Is it so difficult for a woman to remarry after a divorce? @DrSapna
Hi… remarrying after the divorce is difficult because after the first experience and since the age has also matured our expectations are much higher and we usually have a list of what we do not want. To find the right person is the difficulty. If there are children involved the concerns of both the parties increase. It is very important to do a thorough background check for the Cause of his divorce. It is also important to understand oneself be candid about mistakes. We might have made in the first marriage and also be clear Why do we want the second marriage. marriage means compromise adjustment and some sacrifice. No matter how many times you marry. These are the changes , we all need to bring in ourselves. ,. And when we want to take all of these into consideration, the choice of groom becomes limited. Of course there might be some family or community restrictions, but Post families weren’t there divorce daughters to remarry
Because in India eeryone including women consider woman must be arogant so her marriage didn't work. No one considers as it could be a man's fault. We have to start from ourselves. We should go to the root cause of divorce and should try to know reasons and conditions of both partners. When every woman starts doing it, definitely in future this condition can be changed. Also because of past trauma of failed relationship makes a lady hesitant to move ahead. But she should believe that not every man will be of same quality. So first start believing in yourself and move ahead. Just be conscious now when you are choosing next partner.
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It can come as a surprise but not all men are living happily and not all women are in misery. They both have their problems and struggles. It's just about the pov
It is true that both men and women can be narcissist, but yes it is talked about most in men. as for life of a divorced man, things might be little tough when he wishes to get married again, as people will find it hard to believe that he was abused. other than that most things should be ok for him.
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Why does divorce/separation affect some women’s self-esteem and confidence? @RC_Mayanka
Ofcourse maximum women has some expectations from the relationship, women might build up their future with that person. By separation or divorce, women couldn't see the future and their dreams suddenly.. it must be empty when the person goes off from the life. Coz of that emptiness women effects psychological disturbance. In that situation they feel lack of confidence or self esteem. How long it's continue will be depends on the person.
Marriage is not just a bond between two bodies....they get attached emotionally and mentally. Its is really difficult for a person to detach from someone you loved so much. When you are trying to give your 100 percent and your partner does not care about it. Then a women's self esteem and confidence shakes.

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