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Zindagi With Richa

by Richa Anirudh on Dec 17, 2022

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Zindagi With Richa is an effort to bring forth stories of people who can motivate us and inspire us become better humans, thus creating a better society. It is a celebration of the never say die spirit through real life stories.

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Women Empowerment
Women Empowerment
Girl Child Education

No women in my career have ever supported me.....!I feel terrible when I say this.

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answered 168 days ago

You need to start supporting some for the universe to give back

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Which hand should ladies tie the rakhi?
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Hey girls, have you ever wondered why it's always us asking to tie a rakhi? Why don't boys need our protection? Are we really seen as incapable of defending ourselves? What do you think?
Girls are usually more emotional and under the influence of moon, so, however, strong via, we still want someone to love us and protect us. That’s why usually girls hierarchy.
I agree with you, sometimes I also get this thought. I guess we can't change it as it is in our culture that has been going on for ages now.
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It feels like everyone expects me to be this perfect version of a woman, but that's just not me! How do I find my own identity, separate from all the pressures and expectations society throws at us? Is it possible to be myself and still be a strong, independent woman? Ifeel like who i really am?
Hello Yes it is completely possible to be you and still have that confidence. Embrace inner you gracefully without any fear , your confidence will answer it all . All the best 🌸
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I feel like I don't fit into any of the stereotypes about women. Society tells us how to act, dress, and even think, but what if I don't check any of those boxes? Is it okay to be different, or am I doomed to be an outcast forever? How do we find our place in the world when we don't fit the mold?
Hello , There’s no definitive to true and real beauty these norms are just set by society. No bible or any mythological book tells if you don’t match the societal boxes you’re deviant or outgroup . Embrace yourself with confidence All the best 🌸
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is there discrimination on the basis of genderand if yes then how to control this situation
I think you can only suggest or guide someone to stop doing discrimination but you can't change someone thinking
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benifit for this aap are..?
hii there are lots of benefits where you get free counseling from any field you are stuck in your life
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Sizce bu kız canına tak edip iş bulmadan istifayı basmış mıdır shdjsjsjdj😅
Teşekkür ederim bebisiiim🥹🥹💜💜 @PelinAlios
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My cuzn got divorced 3 months back. His wife was emotionally abusive and manipulative. Somehow she isolated him from everybody including family. The internet talks so much about narcissistic men but let me tell you, women too can have narcissistic personality disorder. Now I want to know, How is the life of a divorced man in India?@RC_Mayanka
It can come as a surprise but not all men are living happily and not all women are in misery. They both have their problems and struggles. It's just about the pov
It is true that both men and women can be narcissist, but yes it is talked about most in men. as for life of a divorced man, things might be little tough when he wishes to get married again, as people will find it hard to believe that he was abused. other than that most things should be ok for him.
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Why does divorce/separation affect some women’s self-esteem and confidence? @RC_Mayanka
Ofcourse maximum women has some expectations from the relationship, women might build up their future with that person. By separation or divorce, women couldn't see the future and their dreams suddenly.. it must be empty when the person goes off from the life. Coz of that emptiness women effects psychological disturbance. In that situation they feel lack of confidence or self esteem. How long it's continue will be depends on the person.
Marriage is not just a bond between two bodies....they get attached emotionally and mentally. Its is really difficult for a person to detach from someone you loved so much. When you are trying to give your 100 percent and your partner does not care about it. Then a women's self esteem and confidence shakes.

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