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Siblings Love/Hate ❤️🤞

by AshMegha on Apr 27, 2023

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Alright, buckle up folks, and welcome to the Sibling Love-Hate Community - the chillest spot for all you cool cats navigating the wild world of sibling dynamics. We're here to spill the tea on the drama, laugh at the ridiculousness, and share those iconic moments that only a sibling can truly understand. From savage sibling roasts to bonding over shared childhood embarrassments, this place is all about keeping it real and relatable. So grab your snacks and get ready for a whole lot of love, a splash of hate, and a whole bunch of hilarious sibling sagas. Let's dive in, fam! 😎👊

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The other day, I was talking to my sister, and she seemed unusually distant and hesitant to share details about her relationship. Later, I accidentally overheard a heated argument between her and her partner. It got me really worried, and now I can't shake the feeling that she might be in an abusive relationship. I'm struggling with how to address this. Any suggestions ????

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Eating Disordersanswered 128 days ago

Have you tried… talking to her? You know… getting to know your sister and why she’s acting up like this? Let her know you’re there for her and support her. Just be there for her. Be there to listen to her woes be her comfort and shoulder to cry .

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Eating Disordersanswered 128 days ago

Just try and ask her about everything by providing her a comfortable space for her to talk to you 😊

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Eating Disordersanswered 127 days ago

Express your concern and let her know you're there for support. Choose a calm moment to talk, avoid being judgmental, and listen actively. Encourage her to share her feelings and assure her that she deserves a healthy relationship. Offer information about support services or hotlines if she feels comfortable seeking help.

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answered 105 days ago

Make your sister watch a show called jaise apki marzi infact every girl should watch it this show is to make girls aware how partner emotionally psychologically abuse in the name of love

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yes need to be independent before going in for any relationship. Share your resume in my WhatsApp number +919435110521 for work from home opportunity.
Hello , Feeling bad could be natural as you have been with him since 2 years and there had been good memories also and sometimes we are so attached to the person that even knowing that this person is not right we go to them again and again .
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Hello , Acceptance and having an honest conversation with your partner is the key 🌸
Apologize to him for things that you feel you have done or said to him and then let him go. You should have a Direct conversation with him, don't use the word abuse, but be straightforward and let him know the words that have hurt you. If he does it again, Since you have realised he is emotionally abusive, there is no point in continuing the relationship. Leave him. heal and move on
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Nope, not at all. It's infact a good way to test compatibility in a relationship. However due to societal pressure people often feel ashamed or embarrassed of it, at times they don't even take the decision to do it.
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Living together without getting married called cohabitation.
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Not at all.It is legal in India now.Many couples go for it.
Hello , No its not , infact it is legal in so many countries including India under the act “ right to live “
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take each day as it comes n do what u feel...period!!!
Nope, not at all. It's totally fine to not want to live with your partner yet. Maybe you need more time or value your independence. Just communicate openly and explain your reasons. The right partner will understand and respect your needs.
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Live in is legally accepted now.You can share finance and other things.You need to have the clarity about those laws

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