by drrawdanutritionist on Oct 31, 2023

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welcome dear, If you don’t know me I’m dr Rawda Salem clinical and therapeutic nutritionist Diploma CCMA in nutrition from American Association of continuous medical education let’s talk about my channel here and what can we do……. lifestyles modification and body transformation within balanced nutrition plan discussion all reasons of emotional eating and mood swings finding an easy way to reach your target here you can ask me any question and i will answer all the time

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الهوت شوكلت hot chocolate ☕️ ينفع فالدايت؟؟؟؟ ينفع نخس واحنا بناخد حلويات !!! هو انا لو مبحبش اكل كتير في بديل يخليني اتخن !! دي كلها اسئله بسمعها من حالات كتير قبل ما تتابع معايا بس بعد ما بتكون جزء من عيلتنا في standuphealthy بتتعلم ازاي تستمتع بالاكل الحلو الصحي مفيش اكله بتتخن واكله بتخسس في اكله انت بتعملها بطريقه تتخنك وطريقه تساعدك متتخنش لازم تعرف اننا بنهتم بquality of food and quantity لو لسه متعرفش عروض المتابعات الجديده لشهر فبراير بفكرك ان باقي ٥ اماكن بس للتفاصيل اكتب تم ✔️ هتوصلك كل التفاصيل ومتنساش #عيشهابالصحة هتعيشها بكل سعاده #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #tips #tipsdietsehat #healthyliving #coach #coaching #coachlife #dietitian #nutrition #healthyfood #hotchocolate #drrawdanutritionist

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Holistic Menstrual Carecommented 140 days ago


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i was diagnosed with lymph stage 2 what’s the most suitable nutrition routine for me?
Best product are forever Aloe Vera product. DM me for more updates
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Think better > feel better > live better
شهادة وثقة أعتز بيهم جداً ❤️❤️❤️
ربنا يكرمك ده من ذوقك 🥰
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Inner peace 🧘🏼‍♀️🌿🤍
I wish you all inner peace 🌿🩵
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Many of my clients train and train so well and regularly but then go back to eating to non supportive and non nourishing the body ways of eating , I urge you all to exercise and eat to energise your bodies , sleep well rest and recovery is super important to let your muscles recover and get stronger, try to aware of stress and learn means and ways to manage it!!!! Its not a lot it all can be prioritised hence planned and worked out !!!! Here’s a recipe to help you stay on track 😊!!! #fitnessmotivation #healthyeatingideas
Such an important point! The healthy body we want is actually made at home, through our diet, number of hours we sleep and how we manage stress. Thanks for sharing this!
Wow..thats so nutritional, easy and luks yummy. Im definitely gonna try
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Make the right choice and....REPLACE #replace #avoid morningtea
receipe of all these tea plz
Hi there, I hope you are well. -As a nutritionist, I personally feel that there isn't a need to replace morning tea/coffee. -A person can consume his/her tea/coffee in moderation with less sugar :) - We need to wake up healthy and happy, and if that cup of tea makes one happy, I'd always let it remain :)
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Sweet craving option and alternative for summers and super energising and fibrous !!!! You agree ?
True that Huda, I love it too !!!
I love watermelon 🍉 it's my go to fruit in Ramadan ✨✨
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Super @tam_tam_lifts …. Looking forward to seeing more
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happy Holi
Happy Holi to all the ladies 🥰🥰

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