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Docteur Beauté|Dr.EngyELsayegh

by Dr_EngyElsayegh on Nov 9, 2023

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ايه هي أهم و أول خطوات لبشرة نضرة ؟ #بشرة_نضرة#حبي_نفسك#اهتمي_بصحتك

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answered 168 days ago

شرب كميه كافيه من الماء يوميا

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New Mothersanswered 147 days ago

الترطيب بمرطب مناسب للبشره

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Workoutsanswered 158 days ago


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Everyone seems obsessed with staying young forever, but wrinkles and gray hair are just a natural part of life, right? How do we deal with people judging us for aging naturally? Is it okay to embrace those laugh lines and silver streaks, or should we cave into the pressure to look young forever?
try forever Aloe Vera shampoo. DM me for more updates
Hello , It’s a natural process of life which everyone will have to face some or the other day , being confident and carrying that stage of life gracefully is the key when you’re confident within nobody can do anything and there’s will be an inner happiness once you start embracing it . Be confident Be you 🌸
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اختي عندها طيف توحد دكتور هو ده ممكن يتعالج ولا حاجه مزمنه!
اهلا وسهلا عزيزتى 🤍 طيف التوحد أو سمات التوحد بيتشخص من مختص عن طريق طبيب مخ واعصاب وطبيب نفسيه وعصبيه مختص اطفال واخصائى نفسى لعمل مقاييس نفسيه وعلى إثر ده بنجمع رأى الدكتور وتشخيصهم مع نتيجه الاختبار النفسى ليثبت هل مجرد سمات حسب السن والبيئة داعمه ولا معطله هل ف إهمال أو اهتمام هل ف ونس وحوار ف الاسره او لاء الخ من أسباب ثم عمل جلسات تنميه مهارات و تخاطب وتعديل سلوك قم عمل اختبار بعد مده ٣ شهور لمعرفه هل وجد تحسن وبالتالى الطفل يكمل جلسات ويعاد تانى بعد ٣ شهور ام ثبت تشخيصه أنه ذاتوى أو توحد وينتقل التدخل بشكل أعمق وهكذا الموضوع ليه تفاصيل كتير وانا بتكلم بشكل عام لان السؤال بشكل عام بقترح عليك تدخلى لايف ونتكلم فون بشكل أفضل ومستفيض لان التفاصيل بتفرق ف اجابه السؤال دمتى بخير وود 🥰 انت وأسرتك
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Sometimes I love myself and then there are days where I hate myself for certain things. For example I am a very friendly person. However what I don't like is that I let people take advantage of me. How do I accept aspects of myself that I deeply dislike ?
Hello , We all are humans with flaws in us which we constantly try to improve. If it’s causing a lot of inner distress please seek support from psychologist 🌸
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دكتور كل ما بحس اني تعبانه بروح لحل الاذيه النفسيه انا تعبت
اهلاً يا جميله🌸 مهم اوي انك تعرفي ان مشكله انك بتتوجهي لايذاء نفسك بدل حل المشكله نفسها انت كمان محتاجه تطلبي المساعده من متخصص واحنا موجودين معاكي علشان تقدملك الدعم النفسي الي انت محتاجه تقدري تتواصلي معايا من الساعه ٨ للساعه ١٢ كل يوم ماعدا الجمعه كمان تقدري تبعتيلي علي mental health talk استفساراتك اتمنالك يوم لطيف ☺️
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I have damage n fizzy hair any solution for this
Hey there! To tackle frizzy and damaged hair, start by using a sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner to retain moisture. Incorporate a weekly deep conditioning treatment to nourish and repair your hair. Limit heat styling and use a heat protectant spray when necessary. Trim your hair regularly to get rid of split ends. Consider using a silk pillowcase to reduce friction while sleeping. Lastly, embrace natural hairstyles and avoid over-processing your hair
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دكتور اعرف منين اني شخصيه توكسيك
ان افعالك لا تتطابق مع أقوالك ، بتقللي من شأن الي قدامك ، بتنقدي أي حد ، عدم تعبيرك عن رأي حاسم، دايما بتحسسي الاخرين انه مذنب في حقك ، السخرية منهم ، تعتمدي على الاخرين في جميع تفاصيلهم .
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دكتور هي حالات النحافه المزمنه كنتي اتكلمتي عنها قبل كده دي بتبفى وراثه ؟ لان خايفه ملقلهاش علاج بتعالج منها بقالي سنين وجسمي كلو تعبان وخدت vitamins وكل حاجه وبرضو زي مانا ؟ هيا ملهاش علاج بجد ولا اي
منقدرش نحدد ده غير لما نعمل تحاليل نتأكد منها هل في سبب عضوي للنحافة أو سبب نفسي و لا جينات فقط و لو جينات ممكن جدا نحسن الوضع و الشكل و إن ميك مش فيه سوء تغذية مع السبب الجيني عشان منكونيش تعبانة ،بردو هل بتخدي فيتامينات بناء على واقع الأنواع الناقصة عندك و لا مجرد مالتي فيتامين هل مثلا في سوء امتصاص...محتاجين تفاصيل اكتر من كدة بكتير عشان احدد فلو تحبي تقوليلي التفاصيل في استشارة من خلال مكالمة في لايف يوميا من ١٠و نص صباحا لحد ٣ م ماعدا الخميس من ٨ و نص م ل ١ ص تنوريني
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I've been dealing with frustrating hair loss for months. Tried everything - chemical products, expensive treatments, nothing worked. What should I do?
get your vitamin d checked thyroid as well
You can take some ayurvedic supplements like prebiotics and probiotics. Maybe your internal body needs care and healing ✨💜
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Social media is making me feel bad about my body. I feel like the ugliest person on the planet. My friends are having glow up. How can I learn to accept myself the way I am?
Hi :) on Social media people are just showing a little part of people’s life - mostly their happy, glamorous moments and oftentimes filled with filters. And as real as the comparison rut is, it’s also important for us to know that we are our own beautiful benchmark always. Keep taking healthy breaks from social media apps that overwhelm you and come back mindfully to things that truly make you feel more joy-filled :)
first ol all you let out to negativity thoughts and always smile feel u r the best from all of us , Wii give more energy inside u
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hey , I am 21 years old and now I see my self to move forward physically with someone, but for that I dont know the hygiene of my body, i doubt myself when is see in the mirror i am a little fat girl so it is very difficult for me to say yes to someone for physical intimitation. can anyone give me some tips so that i can make my self more attractive and beautiful
Hi there! Hope you are doing well. I want to let you know that all bodies, no matter what shape, size and colour, are designed to experience pleasure! If you feel ready for sexual activity and if a partner is actively seeking it with you, then try not to hold yourself back. Do make sure you are being safe and hygienic. Use protection is you don’t feel ready for a pregnancy and to protect yourself from STIs Best of luck!
Being conscious about hygiene is ok, but why are you worried about being fat? Do love yourself as you are dear. If all females on earth were with zero figure, males would have lost the spark. Rather than zero figure, curves are more sexy. But your have to believe in you, love yourself and if you want to lose weight, loose it for your fitness. Start flaunting your curves openly. Because till the time you don't embrace them, how could anyone else do it?

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I am a mother and an educator in charter schools and ABC Youth Foundation. I host several podcast it's a huge passion of mine and I also produce I strongly feel that empathy is the glue of humanity and without it what do we have for understanding one another and being kind toward one another is what keeps Us human it's what makes it work and without it what can possibly get better you must hold on to that and remember and show it where it's needed so that people can know what it is and be able to show that same to others connecting and growing with others is within the foundations of empathy that's how the world gets better so we can understand we don't have to directly know one another we must be that change and it starts with us, we must be the change we want to see!more

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