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Ayurveda Naturopathy

by Kavya_r on Oct 28, 2022

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We celebrate the beauty of every woman and recognize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Dive into the rich teachings of Ayurveda tailored for the unique needs of women. Discover personalized approaches to balance your doshas and enhance overall vitality.

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I've been dealing with frustrating hair loss for months. Tried everything - chemical products, expensive treatments, nothing worked. What should I do?

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answered 31 days ago

I discovered Ayurvedic hair care with regular scalp massages using warm coconut oil and a balanced diet. It's been slow, but I'm finally seeing results, and it feels amazing to be using natural methods!

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New Mothersanswered 31 days ago

Trust me on this girl! Use onion juice 🧅 on your scalp overnight before the wash day. It'll smell and you might get irritated with the odour but this'll definitely help.

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answered 31 days ago

You can take some ayurvedic supplements like prebiotics and probiotics. Maybe your internal body needs care and healing ✨💜

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Celebrityanswered 23 days ago

get your vitamin d checked thyroid as well

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