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Peduli Kanker

by elisaindo on Jun 26, 2023

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Ayo kita kumpul di komunitas ini untuk sama-sama belajar tentang kanker agar kita bisa lebih paham. Kita juga bisa saling mendukung loh, karena kita ga sendirian!

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Breast/Cervical Cancer

Seperti apa kanker itu?

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answered 29 days ago

Kanker tuh kayak 'penjahat' dalam tubuh yang bikin masalah parah. Biasanya dia tumbuh nggak terkendali dan bisa nyebar kemana-mana. Jadi, kanker itu kayak gang yang harus kita lawan habis-habisan!

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answered 29 days ago

Kanker adalah kondisi di mana sel-sel abnormal tumbuh tanpa kontrol dan menyerang jaringan sehat dalam tubuh.

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answered 29 days ago

Rasanya kanker adalah kompleks dan sulit dipahami secara universal karena pengalaman individu yang berbeda-beda. Bagi beberapa orang, kanker bisa menjadi seperti pertempuran tanpa henti yang menguras energi fisik, emosional, dan mental. Perasaan ketakutan, kecemasan, dan ketidakpastian sering kali menjadi bagian dari pengalaman ini. Rasanya seperti berada dalam kegelapan yang tidak pasti, di mana tiap langkah serasa dikelilingi oleh ketidakpastian dan ketakutan akan masa depan.

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The color of your intimate area can be naturally darker for some people, and it's normal. Using intimate wash shouldn't usually make it darker, but some ingredients might affect it for some individuals. If you're worried, it's best to ask a doctor. But Recurrent infection induced rashes can also be followed by more darkening of this area. But in that case also you have to consult your doctor for this issue. Over hygiene/unhygien both are harmful for intimate area. Also to use one for infection, you should consult your doctor before starting. And if you don't have any infection, then it's better you avoid using intimate wash.
Hi there! Your intimate areas will be darker than the rest of your body and that’s completely normal bits due to a pigment called as melanin which gives the skin its colour! It also has a darker hue due to increased blood flow. Also, evolution in humans has caused intimate areas to have a darker colour to protect it from potential irritants! To avoid rashes, make sure you wear clean and breathable underwear. It’s important to make sure your underwear is loose and airy! Along with this, do not use any form of intimate wash, perfume, soap, etc. Wash your intimate region only with water.
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Ayo kita kumpul di komunitas ini untuk sama-sama belajar tentang kanker agar kita bisa lebih paham. Kita juga bisa saling mendukung loh, karena kita ga sendirian!more

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