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The Next door Nutritionist

by Huda Shaikh on Aug 8, 2023

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If you wish to know the how's, and what of nutrition, this community is for you. Get research backed up nutrition/diet advice/updates, and guess what ? we don't believe in demonizing any food item. Let's become aware about nutrition each day. We believe in lifestyle change and not just "dieting".

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I've been feeling exhausted lately. Could my diet be contributing to my low energy levels?

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Eating Disordersanswered 73 days ago

Hi there, I hope you are well. Yes, it is possible that you may be deficient in certain nutrients which leading you to feel exhausted.Morever, stress, anxiety, overthinking, work-pressure may also be a cause of exhaustion. Certain health conditions can also lead to exhaustion. I would urge you to get your blood work done after visiting a doctor. Ideally, it should include CBC, iron, ferritin, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and thyroid profile, and Blood sugar tests. - Also, include foods like green leafy veggies, flaxseeds, chia seed, yogurt, paneer, milk, sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, lean meat, eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables, millets ( rahi, jowar, bajra, sama), munakkas ( soak 5-6 overnight, and have it in the morning) almonds, walnuts and wholegrains. Also, don't forget to drink enough water, get enough sleep(7-8hrs), and meditate whenever you feel stressed. I hope this helps :) take care.

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Hello , Acceptance and having an honest conversation with your partner is the key 🌸
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دكتور انا بحس اني شخصيه عندها اضطراب جوزاىبه جدا في نفسي مره افرفش ومره احس اني زعلانه في نفس اليوم والفتره هو ده طبيعي ؟
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Hello my name is Riya and I am a psychologist on coto 🌸 Sometimes we feel few emotions due to lot if reasons, if you’re not acting up on it then its great as it would be harmful to other . There might be some inner conflicts which might be in your subconscious mind . You can reach out to me for tailored response .
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Hello , Yes this could be referred as emotional abuse where no physical harm is being done but mentally harming you 🌸
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اهلا وسهلا بيكي ♥️ معاكي سيلڤيا معالج نفسي واهلا بيكي فال community the healing journey محتاجه اسالك كام سوال ١- هل انا عايزة كل حاجة بالمسطرة؟ ٢- هل انا بحس بعدم القبول والرفض؟ وحابه اقولك حاجة كمان مش شرط انا بستقبل الحاجة زي ما الراسل قدمها خدي بالك من النقطة دي واعلا وسهلا بيكي فاللايف بتاعي نقدر نعمل call سوا لو عايزة ومرتاحة لدا واساعدك انهاردة الساعه ٧ مساء ل ١٠ مساء دمتي بخير وصحة ♥️

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